Friday, November 01, 2013

Here I am, near the end of Friday night, and I've got to say that this has been one heck of a week.

I flew to Washington last Friday. My weekend was filled with Ryan and with helping him to move into the new place. My visit, in my opinion, was too busy for being so short.

I took the red-eye home Monday night, landing at 6 AM Tuesday. I went to work Tuesday. I even went to a dentist appointment Tuesday.

Wednesday happened. Wednesdays are always long days at work.

Thursday (yesterday) saw me head from work to home to a show/party/extravaganza at the Black Cat. One of my favorite local bands was playing a Halloween show, which of course was more than just a show. Costumes, burlesque, side-show performances, etc. I was up later than I should have been.

And then today. Tired, tired today. I probably should have let myself recover from the jet lag before dancing past my bedtime yesterday. I worked late today and talked with Ms. Lead even later.

Go, go, go.

Also, I finished a book. Zoli, by Colum McCann. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Seeing the inside of a quiet person's head (especially when that person is a poet) is fascinating. She walks a lot.