Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Spring fever

The flowers aren't the only things excited by the spring weather. I seem to have kicked into productivity hyper-drive, too.

A brief list of some of my major projects from the past week or two:

-Baking bread,  8-10 loaves
-Processing and dehydrating the last of the season's pears, available super cheap at the local farm stand
-Flagging out our garden plot, which will be tilled by a hired tractor today
-Starting (and subsequently not killing) tomato, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts seeds
-Planning fencing to contain our chickens' ranging, which will otherwise kill the flowers we plan to plant out front
-Did I mention that I redid our front walk a couple weeks ago? We have flagstones now.
-Taping off and priming the walls and ceiling of the kitchen and dining room, which I hope to finish painting by Saturday
-Baking brownies spontaneously to celebrate birthdays and significant occasions
-Hand washing most of our laundry
-Learning new recipes, including Thai curry, falafel, an awesome roasted veggies thing that Ryan wants every day
-Feeling much stronger in handstands and tumbling, doing pull-ups, and generally being pumped about what my body can do
-Attending the Small Acreage Expo and attending a lecture that made me excited about liming our soil
-Making friends with our neighbors, who are surprisingly young and cool


P.S. In case you were wondering, the yogurt treatment worked great for that case of nasty chicken butt!


hugin said...

i am wondering about this awesome roasted veggies thing!

Joanna said...

I found the recipe-- if you can call it that, it's more a concept-- here:

Basically, it's just chopping things up small. Everything. The best part is that if you make a lot of this, you can throw roasted veggie pieces into everything else you make that week.