Hello, blog! I was just telling someone about you the other day. How have you been? I realize I haven't really written a post for you since the summer, and that's no way to treat an old friend. We have, after all, known each other since 2008. We've had almost 400 posts together. What a history!
I won't bother you with the minute details of my life for the past few months. We can get into that later, if it comes up. Here's the quick run down of what I've been up to, organized as chronologically as I can manage:
I turned 26. One of my rabbit does had her first litter, of eight kits, and did a great job tending to them. I started applying to a ton of teaching jobs, having decided that I would rather be a teacher than a nanny/farmer/self-employed person.
I interview for a couple jobs. I went to Ashland, Oregon with Ryan and his family to see some Shakespeare, including a production of Two Gentlemen of Verona with an all-female cast. It was lovely to spend some time with the bard again. I went to Burning Man, where I painted a mural and led a few workshops and had many experiences. I accepted a job as a long-term substitute for a teacher going on maternity leave at one of the best schools in town.
I slaughtered and butchered that litter of eight kits, tanned their hides, and put most of the meat in the freezer. I decided to move out of the house where I had been living with Ryan, Em, Dee, and Mini. I began the surprisingly long, difficult process of finding a new place and moving.
I had my first substitute teaching gig, a week-long stint for a teacher on his honeymoon. I moved into the house where I currently live. (The rabbits moved with me.) Ryan and I broke up. I auditioned for a play at a community theatre, in which I was cast as the female lead. I performed in a group dance at my aerial studio's Halloween show.
I rehearsed a whole lot for this play, which opens on December 5th. I began my long-term subbing placement on November 10th. I decided to choreograph and rehearse a performance piece on the silks for the aerial show on New Year's Eve.
Other notes:
I have started playing guitar again. I read a lot for a while there and then got caught up in other things. I have had a CSA subscription for the past several weeks; I am swimming in squash, but luckily it stores well. A student told me that my voice sounds like butter. I cut my hair for the show, and I can't believe I had the patience to let it get long enough for a bob to be "short." All in all, I'm doing well enough.
I missed you, blog. You help keep me level.
Welcome back looking forward to reading about all your adventures again. Sorry to hear about the break up
whoops, last comment was me. :)
nooo it threw it away. that jerk. internet technology is hard. :(
Thinking of you. Hope your silk performance was great. Email me your current email address please! Lots of love, Jackie
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